Funding your care

Understanding funding in adult social care can be challenging. It’s important to recognise that each situation is unique, and funding options depend on individual circumstances.

This section aims to provide a broad overview of funding options and sign-post you to organisations that offer personalised advice.

Local Authority Assessment

We strongly recommend anyone considering adult social care to start by contacting their local authority for a financial assessment. This assessment is crucial as it determines your care needs and the extent of financial support, if any, available from the council.

Exploring funding options

There are various ways to fund care, including:

  • Self-funding: paying for care from personal finances
  • Local Authority Support: if your assessment shows you’re eligible, the council may contribute towards your care costs
  • NHS Funding: in certain circumstances, the NHS may contribute towards the cost of care, through the Funded Nursing Care (FNC) or Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC) for specific nursing needs.

Remember, the outcome of your financial assessment by the local authority will greatly influence your funding options.

Seeking expert advice

Given the complexity of care funding, it’s crucial to seek advice from financial advisors or solicitors specialising in this area. They can provide tailored guidance based on your specific situation.

Organisations like Age UK (0800 678 1602), Independent Age (0800 319 6789), and the Money Advice Service can also offer free or impartial advice.

Seeking a detailed assessment and professional advice is key to making informed decisions about funding your care.

For more detailed information, you may find these resources helpful:

Age UK – Paying for Care and Support at Home

NHS – Guide to Social Care and Support

Money Advice Service – Care Advice and Help

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